We handle a wide variety of misdemeanor and felony drugs cases. Whether you are facing charges of possession, distribution, sales, cultivation, manufacturing, or any offense involving prescription drugs, it is important that you get in touch with our team immediately after your arrest for your own protection.
The outcome of your case depends on the skill of your drug crime defense attorney, and you cannot take any chances. Our expertise in handling drug cases include, but are not limited to:
Warrants? If you’ve missed court on your case, call us. We can help turn things around and get your case back to court. We want to keep you out of jail and we have experience navigating through the process to do that.
Probation trouble? If you’re facing problems with probation, we can help correct your situation and make sure you’re compliant with your probationary guidelines. Avoiding the problem, will only make matters worse in the future. We’ll work with the court to get your case discharged or get you back on good terms.
Court date? If your Drug Possession case is already set for court, hire us and we’ll handle the entire process. When possible, we would even go to court on your behalf.
Someone in jail? If somebody you know has been taken into custody, call us immediately. We will immediately start the process to get bond lowered and work to get them out of jail until we can schedule their day in court.